...I don’t blame you.

My time here has been nothing less than an incredibly rewarding experience because every single day I get to:
1.  Work with incredibly smart people I greatly respect
2.  Create things, and see things created that will reach billions of people
3.  Have my mind blown by some combination of #1 or #2

Because I get inquiries almost weekly I created this page. It’s meant to be shared privately to people I know. To people like you. 


Don’t apply if:
- You expect to work less, not more than at your current company (most likely)
- If you expect to get credit for doing your day job vs. measured on the impact you make
- Expect to work remote

If you’re still interested:
1. I should submit your resume to our internal tool and to the hiring recruiter directly. DO NOT submit it via the website (or I won’t get a referral bonus). No problem if you already did - the bonuses aren’t that big. :)
2. Send me your resume and a link to the the job rec you’re interested in, and any specific questions you may have about that team or role
3. I will then take a look, answer questions, and submit your resume directly.

If you don’t see an open role or have general questions:
1. Still take a look at the open roles on the website to get an idea of the possibilities and to start educating yourself.
2. Email me with specific questions you have about the org, leveling, etc and also send me your resume
3. I’ll then try to answer via email or via a 15 minute phone call

Timing Details:
Everything at Facebook moves fast including recruiting. When you submit your resume through me and it’s a good fit, expect to have your first phone-screen within two weeks, an offer in 4 and to start in 5. Don’t apply now if this timing doesn’t fit your expectations. (of course it could vary)

Good luck!

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